So, what is Jamstack?

Developers came up with the term JAMstack somewhere in 2016 to name a different approach to building static websites. This approach included decoupling the back end from the front end, separating the build stage from the hosting stage, and using modern CDNs' advantages.

The J A M in the Jamstack initially stood for JavaScript, APIs, and Markup. The term outgrew itself and became broader, now including best practices behind it.

Currently, Jamstack refers to a modern web development architecture approach created to provide better performance, more security, cheaper scaling costs, and a smoother developer experience.

What makes Jamstack different?

The fundamental shift with Jamstack is moving as much as possible to the client side and build time, rather than relying on server-side processes at runtime, cultivating a more efficient, secure, and scalable web ecosystem.

Jamstack decouples the frontend from the backend, unlike a more conservative approach that would combine the two, which can lead to complexities in scaling and dependencies between front and backend developers. For example, the separation of concerns allows frontend developers to focus on the UI with fewer worries about backend API complications. When in a more traditional architecture, developers may need to handle backend and frontend in a closely tied manner.

Websites that use Jamstack pre-render pages at build time, in contrast with the classical approach, where pages are rendered at the moment of each user request, consuming more server resources and potentially increasing load time.

Another reason to choose Jamstack over the classic is that it offers better security, easy scaling, and more hosting options, possibly at lower costs, given that dynamic server resources aren't a necessity.

Jamstack encourages the use of modern development tools, static site generators, and headless CMS platforms, which is definitely a plus since the capabilities of monolithic CMSs or custom server-side rendering setups might be constraining to developers.

However, traditional approaches might be more suitable for highly dynamic sites with real-time data needs or complex server-side interactions.

How does Jamstack work?

Jamstack uses Static Site Generators (SSGs) like Gatsby, Next.js, Nuxt.js, Hugo, and Jekyll to pre-build webpages into static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, which can then be deployed directly to a hosting service.

Jamstack websites serve pre-built markup and optimized assets quicker since there is no need to query the database as the files are already compiled and are served to the browser from a CDN (content delivery network).

For added functionality, Jamstack uses reusable APIs (application programming interfaces) that are accessed via HTTPS with JavaScript to fetch dynamic content.

The build and deploy process used in Jamstack is quite simple. First, developers write code, and content creators provide content, typically through a headless CMS that's accessed via API.

When updates are made to the codebase or content, the static site generator triggers a new build to create updated static files. It can be prompted through version control systems like Git, where pushing new commits often serves as the trigger.

The updated site is pre-built into a set of static files, often directly on or through integration with the hosting platform. Once the static files are built, they are uploaded to a CDN. Modern platforms like Netlify automate this step, so every push to a specific branch of the repository can trigger a new deployment.

With all pages pre-built, they are served to the end-users from the CDN incredibly fast, as there is no real-time page generation or database queries to slow things down. When a new build is deployed, modern CDNs instantaneously invalidate their cache, replacing the outdated files with the latest version from the new build, ensuring users get up-to-date content quickly.

While the result of the Jamstack-built websites is static files, those files are not without dynamic functionalities, functionalities like forms, comments, payment gateways, etc., usually handled by third-party APIs (application programming interfaces). Static, in the case of Jamstack, does not mean still but rather server-free. The browser does not need the help of servers to handle dynamic parts first. This feature comes with quite a few business benefits.

Benefits of Jamstack

  • Security - Jamstack serves pre-built files and allows for read-only hosting, reducing the attack opportunity window.
  • Scalability - Jamstack sites can easily handle heavy traffic loads by default. With content delivered entirely from a CDN without complex logic or workflow, sites are more resilient to traffic surges and thus scaling-friendly.
  • Performance - Jamstack allows for high performance by generating pages ahead of time during a build, meaning all pages are ready to be served from a CDN close to the user without the need for costly infrastructure.
  • Maintainability - The reduced hosting complexity of Jamstack sites translates into simpler maintenance tasks. Generated sites are stable and might require less ongoing patching and updates.
  • Portability - As Jamstack sites are pre-generated, they can be hosted on various services, providing flexibility and preventing vendor lock-in.
  • Developer experience - Building with Jamstack can be done using a variety of widely available tools and conventions, making it relatively easy to find skilled developers for such projects.
  • Efficiency - Project workflows can be more efficient with Jamstack thanks to the straightforward development process using popular technologies and tools.

Getting started with Jamstack

To begin your project, choose a static site generator that matches your project's needs and your development preferences. Take into account factors such as programming language, community support, available plugins, and ease of use.

If your project involves content management, select a headless CMS that provides an API for content delivery. Alternatively, you can use a version control system like Git to manage content.

Create the frontend of your Jamstack project using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Use the capabilities of your chosen static site generator to build components, templates, and layouts. Ensure responsive designs and optimize performance.

Identify the APIs required for dynamic functionality, use JavaScript on the client-side to request data from these APIs, and integrate it into your static files.

Choose a hosting provider or content delivery network (CDN) to deploy your Jamstack project. Popular options include Netlify, Vercel, AWS S3, Firebase Hosting, or GitHub Pages. Configure your deployment process to automatically trigger builds and updates when changes are made.

Thoroughly test your Jamstack project to ensure functionality, responsiveness, and cross-browser compatibility. Optimize your static files for performance by employing techniques like minification, code splitting, lazy loading, and caching.

Implement continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to automate the build and deployment process, ensuring that your project is continuously built, tested, and deployed whenever changes are pushed to your repository.

When should you use Jamstack?

  • If your website primarily consists of read-only content like blogs, company pages, portfolios, or documentation, Jamstack is an excellent choice, as it efficiently serves static content.
  • When performance is a critical factor, and you need your website to load fast across the globe, use Jamstack to leverage CDNs and pre-rendered content for quick delivery.
  • For sites that require enhanced security, Jamstack minimizes the surface for attacks by reducing server-side processing and databases that can be exploited.
  • Jamstack is suited for projects expected to scale because the static nature of the site allows for easy duplication across servers without taxing backend resources.
  • Projects that benefit from modern development workflows, such as using headless CMSs, static site generators, and microservices, are a good fit.
  • If you have separate teams working on the frontend and backend, Jamstack's decoupled architecture allows both teams to work independently and integrate through APIs.

Best practices for Jamstack

Adopting best practices in Jamstack development can help you maximize the advantages of this architecture while minimizing potential challenges.

  • Build automation and continuous deployment

Set up automated build processes using continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. Tools like GitHub Actions, GitLab CI/CD, and Bitbucket Pipelines can automatically build and deploy your static site upon code changes, ensuring your deployment process is efficient and consistent.

  • Use incremental builds

Incremental builds reduce build times. Many static site generators and hosting platforms (e.g., Gatsby with Gatsby Cloud, Next.js on Vercel) support this feature, which rebuilds only the changed parts of your site.

  • Embrace Git-based content workflow

Use a Git-based workflow for content management. This approach enables version control for content, ensures content is backed up and can be rolled back if necessary, and facilitates collaboration among team members.

  • Implement headless CMS

A headless CMS separates content management from site presentation. It allows you to manage and update content dynamically without the need for full rebuilds and enables content delivery across different platforms. Payload CMS is a popular choice due to its high flexibility and integration with third-party services.

  • Choose the right static site generator

Select a static site generator (SSG) based on the project's requirements, such as language preference, plugin ecosystem, community support, and ease of use. Examples include Hugo for speed, Jekyll for simplicity, and Gatsby or Next.js for React-based projects.

  • Use CDNs and edge computing

Deploy your site on a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to ensure fast load times irrespective of the geographical location of your users. Consider edge computing solutions for functions or dynamic rendering when needed.

  • Adopt serverless functions for backend operations

Use serverless functions for any backend logic, such as form submissions, authentication, or dynamic data fetching. This allows you to maintain the serverless principle of Jamstack while still providing dynamic capabilities.

  • Invest in security practices

Even though Jamstack is secure by default, following security best practices like implementing HTTPS, managing CORS policies, securing serverless functions, and keeping third-party services' credentials private is important.

  • Develop locally, deploy globally

Make use of local development tools that mimic the production environment closely. This can help catch issues early. When it comes time to deploy, rely on global CDN hosting to serve content quickly anywhere in the world.

  • Plan for SEO and accessibility

Ensure the site is built with SEO best practices in mind, including metadata, semantic markup, and structured data. Accessibility should also be a priority from the start, following WCAG guidelines to make your site inclusive.

  • Regularly backup your site and content

While the Git-based workflow essentially provides a history of your code, make sure you also have regular backups of your site's content, especially when using a headless CMS.

Jamstack architecture challenges often revolve around the need for dynamic content, SEO, build times, and developing complexity. But worry not. By carefully selecting the right tools, using third-party services, and optimizing the development workflow, most of these challenges can be overcome.

SEO optimization

Jamstack websites, particularly SPA (Single Page Applications), can have issues with SEO if not managed correctly, as crawlers may not effectively index content that is dynamically loaded via JavaScript. Use server-side rendering or static site generation features of modern frameworks (like Next.js and Nuxt.js) to make sure that all content is pre-rendered, improving indexability. Additionally, implement correct semantic HTML5 and schema markup.

Dynamic functionality

Jamstack sites can struggle to incorporate dynamic functionality such as user authentication, user-generated content, or real-time features. Use third-party services and APIs for tasks that require server-side processing, plus client-side JavaScript and frameworks to infuse interactivity and real-time features.

Large builds and deployment times

As a Jamstack website grows in content and complexity, build times can increase, which may slow down the deployment process. To optimize build processes, implement incremental builds, parallel processing, and only rebuilding changed files. Choose SSGs and hosting platforms that support these optimizations.

Content management

Content creators might find the lack of traditional CMS interfaces challenging, as Jamstack often uses headless CMSs that separate content from presentation. Choose a headless CMS with a user-friendly interface. Create a custom editing interface or use a static site CMS to provide a familiar editing experience to non-technical users.

Development complexity

The complexity of managing multiple services and APIs can become a burden, increasing the difficulty of maintaining and developing the website. Overcoming this challenge: Rigorously document integrations and keep services to a minimum to avoid unnecessary complexity. Standardize team practices around API management and the chosen stack.

Database integration

Jamstack sites often don't directly interact with a database in the traditional sense, which might be challenging for sites requiring heavy database interactions. Use serverless functions or API-based services that abstract database management or consider hybrid architectures that allow for pre-rendering static pages while still interacting with a database when necessary.

Handling form submissions

Handling forms on a static Jamstack site can be tougher without a backend to process submissions. Use third-party form handling services or serverless functions to capture and process data submitted through forms.

It's important to note that these solutions may vary depending on the specific context and requirements of each project.


So, there you have it. Jamstack is a modern, efficient, and cost-effective way to build web apps and sites. It offers several benefits with few drawbacks, allowing you to significantly improve the online experience for both you and your visitors.

And one of the most fascinating aspects is the expanding community and environment. As wonderful as the toolset is today, the teams developing Jamstack solutions will continue to push the limits of what is possible, making the web a better place for developers and users alike.

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